Irving Low

Head of Advisory

KPMG in Singapore

Mr Irving Low is Partner and Head of Advisory in KPMG in Singapore. He has been with KPMG for over 25 years, having worked in both the London and Singapore offices. His focus is varied across many industries, such as property development and construction, manufacturing, insurance, engineering and financial services.

Mr Low is KPMG's ASPAC leader for Board Advisory Services practice. He leads a regional ASPAC team working together with the global Governance, Risk and Compliance team, looking at global changes in board and corporate governance practices. He has undertaken numerous corporate governance reviews for both public and private organizations in light of the renewed focus in this area. He is a frequently invited guest and speaker at public forums on corporate governance.

Irving concurrently holds the position of Head of Clients & Markets.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    Bachelor of Commerce, Double Major in Accounting and Finance - The University of Western Australia