Matt Clark

Mr. Matt Clark


KPMG in the UK

Matt is a Partner running the retail and consumer goods practice. He is an experienced business professional with an MBA and over 20 years’ experience in the retail, consumer goods, construction and manufacturing industries. Matt has worked with many of Europe’s top consumer facing companies to deliver tangible, lasting benefits and has a wealth of experience designing and executing successful change programs. Adept in understanding how people, process and programs inter-relate, Matt has worked with CEO’s to overcome the odds and be successful in the most challenging circumstances. From business transformation, operating model redesign, customer service improvement and process re-engineering through to avoidable cost elimination and end-to-end supply chain excellence Matt‘s style and approach engenders commitment and enthusiasm with those he works with.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    MBA, (Distinction), Durham Business School, Chartered Member Institute of Civil Engineers, BSc (2:1) Civil & Structural Engineering, University of Bath