Eveline van Beek

Eveline Beek

Partner, Advisory

KPMG in the U.S.

Eveline has more than a decade of experience in strategic and operational healthcare consulting in national and international markets. She currently leads the U.S. firm’s Payer and Payment Innovations group, supporting managed care and state entities to restructure their healthcare purchasing, delivery system and quality improvement approaches.

Eveline is also a co-lead for the KPMG global value-based healthcare proposition, lead of the U.S. firm’s COVID vaccine taskforce as well as a Connected Enterprise champion for the U.S. firm

Eveline has led large-scale transformation engagements for clients both in the U.S. and in Europe in the provider, payer and government arenas, primarily on projects related to reshaping the healthcare landscape to support access, cost-efficiency and high quality care for high-cost, high-need populations. Since 2015, Eveline has served as lead for KPMG in the U.S. on one of the largest government healthcare transformation programs in the U.S. aimed at reducing a state’s avoidable hospital use and introducing a new value-based approach to remunerating Medicaid providers.