Simona Vasile

Simona Vasile


KPMG Law Advokatfirma AS

Simona har lang erfaring fra rådgivning og internasjonal jus. Hun har gitt støtte til multinasjonale team og grupper på tvers av industrier innenfor blant annet compliance, teknologiimplementering og innovative løsninger.

Hun har spesialisert seg innen et stort spekter områder, inkludert endringsledelse, ny teknologi, HR-transformasjoner, strategi og virksomhetsstyring. Simona har lang internasjonal erfaring.

Hun er også Nordic US Family Office Leader og Chief Technology Officer for KPMG Law Advokatfirma.

Simona brings to the table over 20 years of consulting experience, providing support to multinational teams and entities across all industries in a wide array of areas from advisory and compliance services to implementing technology and innovative solutions related to: talent and change management, tax & legal technology and HR transformations, governance and strategy, global rewards, employment tax and payroll compliance, ESG, board leadership insights, budget & risk assessments, US tax planning and controversy, global assignments, project transitions, emerging technologies digital upskilling and automation and innovation in HR, Tax and Legal space.

Simona is also Nordic US Family Office Leader and Chief Technology Officer for Law.

  1. Ekspertområder

    U.S. Desk

    Global Mobility-teknologi

    Reward og incentiver

    Administrasjon, prosesser og verktøy knyttet til internasjonale arbeidsforhold

    Internasjonal personbeskatning

    Teknologirelaterte nettsider for KPMG Law

  2. Utdannelse

    2020, Masters in Taxation - MT, Villanova University, Charles Widger School of Law, USA

    2001, Master i Marketing - MS, University of Craiova, Romania

    2000, International Economics - BA, University of Craiova, Romania

  3. Akkrediteringer

    2023, Alteryx and Prince2 PMO Certification Course

    2020, Employee Benefits Certification - Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law

    2002, Enrolled Agent with the IRS

  4. Arbeidserfaring

    2021 – d.d., KPMG Law Advokatfirma AS

    2018 – 2021, KPMG US

    2000 – 2018, PWC US