GCCs in India: Building resilience for sustainable growth

As GCCs continue to build, innovate and scale, they are also equipping themselves to navigate through a dynamic landscape.
GCCs in India: Building resilience for sustainable growth

This paper delves into four top-of-mind considerations by GCCs i.e., talent, emerging technology, regulation and concentration as they continue to build, innovate and scale. The paper explores proactive measures GCCs are adopting to address these considerations. It also provides frameworks and recommendations to aid in navigating the dynamically evolving landscape. Additionally, the paper highlights the strategic initiatives undertaken by the GCC ecosystem, industry leaders, and the Indian government to fuel sustained GCC growth.

IPOs in India-  IPO Performance and Capital Market Highlights – 9M FY24

GCCs in India: Building resilience for sustainable growth

As GCCs continue to build, innovate and scale, they are also equipping themselves to navigate through a dynamic landscape.

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Akhilesh Tuteja

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KPMG in India

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KPMG in India

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