Suppliers’ Capability Enhancement Programme (SCEP)

SCEP focuses on developing and enhancing supplier capabilities, enabling them to become more proficient in their services for manufacturers
Two male international workers in overalls work together at a machine for the production of aluminum PVC windows and doors

Are you facing any of these challenges?


Missing delivery deadlines due to supplier’s long lead time.



Increase in customer complaints due to supplier raw material/part/component issue



New product launch not successful due to supplier incapability



Supplier not able to meet Q/C/D parameter



Low productivity due to material unavailability



High risk of supply continuity due to import dependency


SCEP – The purpose

Supply chain partners’ success is an essential element in the survival and growth of any business. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the suppliers understand the expectations and supply the materials to the manufacturers in the right quantity at the right time and with the requisite quality.

The purpose of SCEP is to develop and improve suppliers’ capabilities so that the large manufacturers realise their business goals.

SCEP approach


Critical suppliers identification


Supplier assessment


Improvement projects implementation


Supplier foundation building

Stage 1: Critical supplier identification

Critical suppliers identification

Supplier assessment

Base building

Improvement projects


To identify critical suppliers to ensure supply continuity

Key activities:

Critical supplier’s identification based on agreed criteria


Supplier performance analysis


Supplier’s selection for strategic sourcing


Stage 2: Supplier assessment

Critical suppliers identification

Supplier assessment

Base building

Improvement projects


Measure capability of critical suppliers

Key activities:


  • Proactive approach process
  • Reactive approach process


  • Supplier capacity assessment
  • Bottlenecks and constraints


  •  Supplier logistics process

Stage 3: Supplier foundation building

Critical suppliers identification

Supplier assessment

Supplier foundation building

Improvement projects implementation


Improving supplier’s capability while setting foundation

Key activities:

Process mapping


OEM-supplier KPI mapping


Process standardization


Stage 4: Improve project implementations

Critical suppliers identification 

Supplier assessment

Base building

Improvement projects implementation


Improving supplier’s capability while setting foundation

Key activities:

Project definition


Project execution


Project sustenance


Expected outcomes from SCEP


  1. Lower PPM
  2. Lower NPD time
  3. First time right of the products/ components at supplier’s place
  4. Improved “on time in full quantity”
  5. High productivity
  6. Lower cost of sourcing


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  1. Skill-building and problem-solving capability
  2. KPIs alignment
  3. Standardized processes
  4. Prevent product failure through “mistake proofing”
  5. Improved data layer maturity
  6. Improved supplier satisfaction

Typical SCEP roadmap

The duration required for implementing a SCEP programme depends on several factors such as the supplier’s size, product complexity, organisational culture, and current status.

Typical SCEP roadmap

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