Board’s engagement with Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues
KPMG’s Board Leadership Center organised a roundtable discussion on ‘Board’s engagement with Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues’. The session witnessed participation from Independent Directors and KPMG Partners.
The overarching theme of the discussion was that ESG matters are presenting significant risks and opportunities for the business. Boards need to take pro-active steps to evaluate their actions and incorporate ESG into their overall strategy. The event covered topics such as:
- What questions should board members be asking the company management to effectively address ESG issues?
- How is the management and the Board keeping pace with the expectations of investors regarding ESG reporting and disclosures?
- How can the Board increase its engagement on ESG matters, both internally and externally?
- What are the challenges that Boards must be facing in addressing ESG as a strategic and operational issue?
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