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ESG as a Watermark Within Operations 
Role of efficient operations to drive ESG transformation

Eco conscious consumers are increasingly influencing market dynamics. Companies of the future need to gear up at speed and at scale. Efficient operations, optimization, and transformative initiatives play a pivotal role in curbing carbon emissions within the supply chain.

Operational improvement, carbon reduction through optimizing packaging design and circularity can be major drivers for ESG metrics. Setting a north star or a target which is stretched yet achievable helps align the organization across functions. These targets create a shared vision, compelling different departments to collaborate towards a common environmental goal.

Whether it's procurement, manufacturing, or logistics, a shared commitment to sustainability fosters cross-functional coordination. This alignment not only enhances the company's environmental impact but also bolsters its reputation, cost-efficiency, and adaptability in a market increasingly prioritizing sustainable practices.ESG as a watermark within client operations can be a recipe for success.