Please join us and select industry practitioners to learn about leading practices for design and execution of a successful Enterprise TPRM programme covering risk domains including cyber security, regulatory compliance, nth party, cloud security, operational resilience and sustainability.
In the past few years, we have seen:
- Evolving scale and complexity of third-party relationships
- Significant increase in third-party incidents impacting organisations
- Stringent regulatory scrutiny on third-party risk management programme
- Emerging focus on third party risk areas like cyber supply chain, operational resilience and ESG
This has led to Enterprise Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) become a key focus area for senior management across organisations. We believe, it is imperative to bring together experts from the field to discuss around these topics so that we could benefit from it together.
- Business Users vs Risk Lens: Addressing the inherent conflict between business user experience and meeting the risk requirements
- Vendor vs Non-Vendor: Addressing the wider third-party ecosystem, beyond vendor arrangements, as part of TPRM programme
- Evolving third party risk universe: Cyber supply chain, operational resilience, cloud security, regulatory compliance, Nth party, sustainability, emerging technology (Blockchain, AI)
- Reusability principle: Optimising risk assessment efforts
- Automation: Automation of TPRM process and upstream/ downstream integration with organisation systems
- What a good TPRM programme looks like: Metrics to measure effectiveness of TPRM programme
- Global vs Local: Adapting a global TPRM framework for local requirements