Mustafa Surka

Partner, Forensic Services, Risk Advisory Consumer Markets & Retail Leader

KPMG in India

Mustafa is a forensic accountant and has led multiple high profile and complex engagements, with a deep understanding and practical experience of different issues and nuances relating to white collared crimes. He has more than 17 years of experience conducting fact-finding investigations, proactive fraud risk assessments and anti-bribery and corruption reviews, as well as due diligence for varied organisations across sectors in India and overseas.

Mustafa also leads the consumer markets sector for Risk Consulting for KPMG in India. Mustafa’s experience includes fraud investigations, fraud risk management, dispute settlement, arbitrations, financial planning, financial management, setting up internal controls and commercial negotiations. He is also a qualified Internal Auditor for ISO 9001:2000 by BVQI.

Mustafa has worked with one of the biggest redevelopment projects in Mumbai, India which was covered by National Geographic and Harvard Business School for a case study. Also, in addition to the consumer markets and retail sectors, he also has deep insights of automobile, industrial markets, real estate and financial services sectors. Mustafa has led multiple fraud investigations and fraud risk assessments in the areas of financial misconduct, accounting misstatement, procurement, sales and distribution, bribery and corruption and fraud risk management engagements for companies in these sectors.


Areas of Expertise:

  • Leads the consumer markets and retail sectors for Risk Consulting for KPMG in India
  • Led marquee engagements of investigation, fraud risk assessment and anti-bribery and corruption
  • Superior organisational, presentation, communication and facilitation skills
  • Chartered Accountant, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)

  • Bachelor of Commerce (University of Mumbai, India)

  • Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)