Behind every successful GCC is rock solid sponsorship

Sponsorship for the long haul, going way beyond the ‘here and now’.
Behind every successful GCC is rock solid sponsorship

So much has been said about aspects around: the strategic narrative and vision driving the GCC model, the nuances of a well-defined operating model, a robust workforce strategy, all underpinned by the new emerging technologies.  But what truly defines the vision and the growth trajectory for the GCC is the global sponsorship.

Over the past month, I have personally experienced the most unfortunate downward trend for two GCCs which had immense promise and potential.  Established with all the right building blocks in place, from the cherry-picked areas of scope, well balanced hybrid models working with ecosystem partners, end to end transformative approaches and yet the lack of global sponsorship has been the harbinger of the downfall.

Some key aspects I have been reflecting on and wanted to share while inviting views from the wider GCC fraternity:

  • Organisational and functional sponsorship can define the tone and tenor of the model. The nuances between a model sponsored by the CEO v/s the CFO v/s the CIO v/s the COO/GBS head, is evident in the vision, scope, scale, and the operating model that gets defined.  As GCCs aspire to become the deep capability hubs, the technology nerve centres driving the global transformation for the organisation, this critically hinges on this element of sponsorship and hence empowerment.
  • Beyond one individual leader, backed by the global leadership team equally important is the need for this to go beyond the vision, ambition and whim of one individual sponsor but needs the commitment and support of the entire global leadership and business leaders.  We have also witnessed the GCC vision and purpose buckle under change of a leader and a perfectly promising model, suddenly losing its future propelling force. The GCC has the potential to empower, transform, and drive efficiency, unlocking value across the business value chain, but only if the custodians of that very value chain see the opportunity and potential.
  • Beyond the personal rapport between the global sponsor and GCC leader we have also witnessed, the centre leader moving on and the sponsor quickly reduces footprint and/or losing interest in the development of the centre, albeit even if for a short duration that vacuum sometimes can be the death knell.  Long term success needs the vision and conviction to go way beyond the personal rapport and ambitions between these two individuals. The onus is as much on the GCC leadership to deliver continuous improvement, cost competitiveness, and sustainable long-term impact to ensure sponsorship is only further fortified.
  • Sponsorship for the long haul, going way beyond the ‘here and now’. This is a journey of evolution, one that goes beyond near-term investments and cost arbitrage benefits.  It is meant to enable the longer-term strategic vision of the global organisation, helping it adapt to market trends, adopt and embrace future technology disruption, align to changes consumer behaviours and with sustainability as the watermark.  This can only happen when there is wholistic and complete sponsorship for the long haul.


Shalini Pillay

India Leader - Global Capability Centres

KPMG in India

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