Budget 2024, has taken a balanced approach and has well charted the course for transforming India into ‘Viksit Bharat’ by 2047 in the ‘Amrit Kaal’ with sustained efforts and special focus areas on Poor, Women, Youth and Farmer and on nine priority areas: Productivity and Resilience in Agriculture; Employment & Skilling; Inclusive Human Resource Development and Social Justice; Manufacturing & Services; Urban Development; Energy Security; Infrastructure; Innovation, Research & Development and Next Generation Reforms.
The Budget 2024 places a special emphasis on education, employment generation and skill development recognising these as crucial components for sustainable economic growth and social welfare. The key initiatives around this include various skilling programs as well as upgradation of existing Industrial training institutes. Further, financial support in the form of educational loans and annual interest subvention solidifies the endeavor to encourage upskilling amongst the youth.
The Finance Minister gave a significant impetus to the MSME sector to enable them to grow and compete on the global stage. Introduction of the Credit guarantee scheme for MSMEs in manufacturing sector, enhancement of MUDRA loans and the introduction of e-commerce hubs under the PPP model will boost revenue as well as fuel employment generation. In a welcome move public sector banks have now been tasked to build in-house capabilities to assess the MSME credit based on their digital footprint in the economy, rather than traditional modes of assessing based on assets and turnover criteria.
Realising the importance of innovation in economy, it is proposed that the Government will come up with an economic policy framework that would steer next-generation reforms aimed at speeding up the economic expansion. The Government also proposes to provide appropriate fiscal support for land reforms over the next three years. This will include assignment of unique identification numbers to rural lands and establish a new land registry that will be linked to a farmer registry to help credit flow and digitization of land records in urban areas.