Managing risk is about more than protecting value. Rather, it is about creating value through viewing risk management as a lever for enhancing innovation, building credibility and achieving sustainable growth. In order to achieve this outcome there is a growing appetite to reform risk management through design and implementation of a cost effective and business-wide approach.

KPMG in Vietnam provides a holistic approach to risk to help your risk framework align to your business agenda, especially as people prepare to drive sustainable growth into their business in an environment where trust and credibility are critical to success. We work to protect and enhance business value by helping you manage risk in an agile and effective way, cut costs and improve business performance. We believe risk and compliance is more than a box-ticking exercise – it is a critical investment that can underpin an organization’s long-term growth, value and sustainability.

Our team of risk professionals comprises specialist individuals and teams dedicated to providing timely and practical advice, drawing on KPMG in Vietnam's advisory services that include a range of both holistic and specialist risk services.

What we do in Risk Consulting

Corporate Governance Services

Board and Executive Advisory Services

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Services

Compliance Management Services

Internal Control and Internal Audit Services

Policy and Process framework, Process review, and improvement services

Corporate Treasury Operation and Risk Service

Sarbane Oxley (SOX) and COSO implementation and review, SOX audit supports

Continuous Assurance Continuous Monitoring (CACM)


Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Anti-Money Laundering and Trade Sanction Services

Corporate Intelligence – Background Check/Integrity Due Diligence

Fraud Risk Management Advisory

Data Privacy and Data Protection

Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) Advisory

Forensic Intellectual Property and Contract Governance Services

Forensic Technology Services – eDiscovery and Forensic Data Analytics


Data-driven transformation

Data Privacy and Data Protection

Data Analytics and advanced AI/ML

Data Management and Data Transformation

Basel implementation (Basel II Advanced Approach, Basel III, Basel IV)

Credit risk management (CRM)

Market risk management (MRM)

Cashflow and Liquidity risk management (LRM)

Operational risk management (ORM)

Business Continuity Management (BCM)

Asset Liability Management (ALM) and Fund Transfer Pricing (FTP)

Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) implementation

Risk Function Transformation (RFT)

Risk quantification and modelling

Data governance, data management and analytics

Regulatory reporting services

Powered Risk (technology) design and implementation

ESG strategy and implementation

ESG risk & integration

Climate risk and decarbonization

Social impacts

Ethics & governance

Sustainable finance

ESG/Sustainable reporting

ESG data & technology

ESG due diligence and assurance

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