Good audits add value beyond the formal financial statements.

Independent financial statement audits enhance the reliability of the information provided by companies to investors, creditors and other stakeholders in accordance with statutory requirements.

In the market place, credible financial statement audits reinforce investor confidence. Within organisations, they add to board and management understanding of the business and the risks it faces.

How we can help

KPMG in Vietnam provides independent audit services that will help to enhance the reliability and credibility of the financial reporting undertaken by client organisations.

  • Our skilled and experienced audit professionals work with clients and relevant external parties to understand the changing business environment.
  • We seek to get the basics right and to add value beyond the financial statements through the business insights we bring to each engagement.
  • We adopt an audit approach that is based on a proven methodology and reinforced by KPMG’s commitment to professional integrity, independence and ethical behaviour.
  • We equip our audit teams with advanced technology to provide a structured, risk-focused workflow.
  • We focus on clients’ key business risks.
  • We support the audit process with extensive experience of applying and interpreting accounting standards.
  • We identify industry trends, issues and insights that may influence the accuracy and completeness of financial statements.

We offer high-level technical capabilities, a client focused culture and access to a global network of respected audit professionals. Our advice is clear, concise and relevant.

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