Bilde av Charlie Lea

Charlie Lea

Partner | Audit

KPMG i Norge

Charlie is a Certified Public Accountant from the United States with significant international experience.

Charlie has lead KPMG Norway's US desk for over 10 years in addition to being responsible KPMG Norway's technical department working with prospectuses and related capital markets issues covering securities offerings in Norway and internationally, including the U.S. Charlie has diverse client experience both from auditing and advisory roles accross many industries including oil and gas and related services, shipping, software, technology and communications and industrial markets.

Charlie is accredited to work with US GAAP, IFRS and Norwegian GAAP reporting entities.

  1. Ekspertområder

    Bygg- og anleggsvirksomhet

    Energi og naturressurser

    Industriell produksjon



    Prosjektering og bygging



    Skipsfart og havner



    Transport og logistikk