Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI®) is a process improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements
CMMI benefits

Optimizing development and service delivery with CMMI frameworks

Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI®) is a process improvement approach that provides organisations with the essential elements of effective processes. It can be used to guide process improvement across a project, a division, or an entire organisation. CMMI® for Development is useful for organisations performing software application development, system engineering, embedded system development, embedded system maintenance, application enhancement, engineering services and software maintenance. CMMI® for Services is useful for organisations performing service delivery such as banks and insurance companies, back-office support, IT services, production support, business process services and infrastructure management services

As part of its advisory services KPMG in India offers the following:

Gap analysis

A formal gap analysis of the quality system including both adequacy of documentation and practice implementation vis-à-vis the requirements of the targeted maturity/capability level of the organisation. The results of the gap analysis are used by the organisation to determine their improvement strategy. 

Gap analysis

Implementation reviews

Implementation reviews focus on the evaluation of process implementation in projects and support functions based on discussions with project teams and department heads.


Implementation reviews

Check point reviews

The purpose of checkpoint review is to review the overall implementation status and to determine the readiness of organisation towards a benchmark appraisal. 


Check point reviews

Benchmark Appraisals

Benchmark Appraisal is conducted as per the guidelines mentioned in Method Definition Document of CMMI Institute ®. Appraisal is conducted by a CMMI® Certified Lead Appraiser. The Lead Appraiser from KPMG in India will be assisted by a team of assessors from KPMG in India and the assessed organisation.

CMMI benefits


For Senior Leadership

  • Governance provides increased visibility on project per formance
  • Improvement Infra- structure defines eco system for persistence of processes

For end-clients

  • Enhanced business assurance through safety and security practices
  • Continuity and risk management provides business resilience

For Delivery team

  • Enhanced control through statistical monitoring
  • Increased guidance on agile and newer lifecycle model

For Quality team

  • Reduced appraisal preparation time
  • Wide coverage of projects and improved reliability of appraisal results

Our approach to CMMI advisory and appraisal

Gap analysis


CMMI trainings


Process review


Implementation review


Checkpoint review


Benchmark appraisal


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