

Adopt and transform readily-available marketplace innovations to improve levers of profit and mitigate risk.

Transforming risk into value

There’s a natural propensity of humans to view risk as something to avoid, mitigate or inoculate oneself against. So the idea that a business should actively seek out and deliberately expose itself to risk can be a bit unsettling. The key to breaking this mindset is to understand that no matter what business you’re in, you too are really in the business of balancing risk and reward. 

KPMG’s approach is designed to help you identify and respond to risk with actionable business initiatives to address a pain point or to gain a competitive advantage. We operate at the crossroads of your industry and our risk management expertise. We have true depth in delivering risk management solutions – not just a veneer. We use multidisciplinary teams and specialists drawn from across our Advisory practice, including risk management specialists, sector specialists, researchers, economists, and many more.

For more information:

Thomas Gouws
Director, KPMG in South Africa

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