Whether it's New Zealand Police, Department of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, Serious Fraud Office, Oranga Tamariki or Crown Law, every element of our justice system needs to run smoothly and at the cutting edge. Our Justice team can support every section of the ecosystem with improving performance and impact while minimising costs. We're experienced in transformational change, integrating new technologies and adhering to complex legislative frameworks

We work closely with organisations across the justice continuum to make a real impact for Aotearoa. We are passionate about supporting equitable outcomes and promoting a safe, prosperous society through insight-driven strategies and actions. KPMG’s global network of professionals mean we are well placed to help clients in the Justice sector with whatever challenges arise.


Our services include:

  • reducing cost and improving efficiency, performance and service delivery
  • making the best use of the private and third sectors – divesting, outsourcing and collaborating
  • supporting major IT change, through development of IT strategy, requirements definition, vendor selection and implementation assurance
  • developing organisational capability
  • implementation and compliance with legislation and regulations
  • tackling bribery and corruption.


Get in touch with our team to find out more about how we can support your organisation.

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