Community Impact

Community Impact

Learn about some of the heartening work our people do for the community

At KPMG in India, working with our communities is a significant responsibility and a core value, essential to who we are. We work to enable our clients, our communities and the countries where we work to change for the better.

From our ceaseless efforts to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities based on our commitment to champion United Nation’s SDGs, to extending our support to the government and social bodies in exceptional times of need, we stop at nothing.

Corporate Citizenship

KPMG in India professionals endeavour to inspire confidence and empower change that makes a sustainable difference in their communities
Lifelong learning

KPMG in India during the pandemic

Since latter half of 2019, the world has been battling novel coronavirus and is transitioning radically ever since. At the time, when a total lockdown seemed like the only solution, our firm and people were finding innovative and safe ways to survive, sustain and overcome this calamity. Staying at home did not deter us from helping ourselves, our loved ones and our communities.

KPMG in India continues to provide capabilities, manpower, innovative ideas and solutions in this direction and has contributed in all areas- Community service, aid to central and state governments, support to clients and their businesses.