
Fair value measurement handbook

Your guide to applying the requirements under IFRS® Accounting Standards and US GAAP


Measuring fair value in times of change

In recent years, companies have needed to respond and adapt to major economic changes, such as mounting inflation and interest rates, geopolitical events, the rise of artificial intelligence and climate-related matters. These events may have prompted companies to re-evaluate the judgements, inputs and critical assumptions underpinning their fair value measurements.  

In times of change, comprehensive disclosures about a company’s fair value measurements – including significant sources of estimation uncertainty – are critical to telling the company’s story effectively to users of the financial statements. 

This edition of our Fair value measurement handbook includes a new series of questions and answers on applying the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s new Accounting Standards Update 2022-03 Fair Value Measurement of Equity Securities Subject to Contractual Sale Restrictions, among other helpful updates. It will help you apply the principles of Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement and IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, and understand the key differences between the two accounting standards.


Fair value measurement handbook

Your guide to applying the requirements under IFRS Accounting Standards and US GAAP

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