GMS Flash Alert

Around the world, the national and sub-national policies and rules impacting international assignees and their employers are constantly changing. Tax laws are being enacted, social security rules modified, and immigration policies introduced. New income tax treaties and social security totalization agreements are being negotiated and signed. How will these changes affect your program’s bottom line? What will you need to do differently? Will the assignees benefit from the change or will they be disadvantaged?


GMS Flash Alert sheds light on what’s happening and helps you make sense of it all.

Subscribe to GMS Flash Alert

GMS Flash Alert reports on recent global mobility-themed developments – as they occur – from around the world to help you better understand what has changed and what that means for you.


GMS Flash Alerts by topic:


Digital Nomads and Remote Work

Employees leaving home countries to work remotely overseas, unofficial/official digital nomads, issues they face, how countries are dealing with rise of remote workers, digital nomads, and trends.


Posted Worker

As companies send workers across borders within Europe, they need to adhere to rules concerning posted workers, which may differ from country to country.


Employment Law

Employees going on assignment and employers in the host country are subject to the labor laws of the host country is a common situation.


Social Security

Implications for social security tax liability, future benefits rights of sending employees on international assignments.


Global Compensation

When employees travel abroad for work, they could be receiving various forms of compensation (e.g., stock, stock options, bonus, assignment allowances, etc.). 



Tax on income (earned and unearned) is a paramount concern for companies with globally-mobile employees and for the employees themselves.



Immigration compliance obligations of employees and their employers, and changes thereto being proposed or recently enacted.



Treaty provisions help determine residency, what income is subject to tax, and whether both states or only one of them can tax the income and whether the rate of tax imposed is limited.

GMS Flash Alerts by region:



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Other GMS publications:

Thinking Beyond Borders:

Thinking Beyond Borders: Management of Extended Business Travelers

Taxation of International Executives

KPMG Global Mobility Services


Global Mobility Services

KPMG Global Mobility Services professionals help organizations address key tax, immigration and compensation challenges of managing a globally mobile workforce by streamlining mobility programs, ensuring compliance, and enhancing employee experience.


From a rapidly evolving technology landscape, to new tax policy developments, geopolitical change, economic fluctuations, and new ways of work, the need to transform the tax function is more important than ever. KPMG firms can help tax leaders keep pace and provide value within their organization.