Certification and Accreditation

KPMG in India, with its consulting skillsets has been one of the leaders in implementation and accredited with Industry best processes
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Implementation and accredited with Industry best processes and methodologies

KPMG in India, with its consulting skillsets has been one of the leaders in implementation and accredited with Industry best processes and methodologies.

KPMG in India’s digital quality assurance team with its highly qualified consultants and test consulting methodology has been successful in helping our clients to implement effective and efficient quality processes aligned to their specific needs and culture of the organisation.

KPMG in India is one among the few organizations in India who has played a major role in accreditation of some of the major software service providers to achieve Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi) Level 5 certification and many more software product and service organizations to align their processes with TMMi Level 5.

TMMi consulting and accreditation

The TMMi model looks at software testing in a test organization at different maturity levels. It contains levels through which an organisation passes as its testing process evolves from an adhoc to a managed, defined, measured and optimized mode.

TMMi accreditation spans beyond attaining a wider business perspective within testing operations and in creating a sustainable road map for improving test process maturity. It is a preferred global benchmark available at this point for organizations that provide testing services, with well-established credentials for a thorough assessment and benchmarking along international norms.

KPMG with its expertise in consulting and accreditation, will independently assess the current test organisation and provide a clear roadmap to accelerate the organisation to its future state. We also recommend short and long-term improvements appropriate to the specific business needs of the test organisation

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Test process assessment management

Software testing is critical to ensure the product/application delivered to customers is of the highest quality. Assessment of the software test delivery process is important to achieve better results, repeat business and collaborate with client organisations to achieve more with less.

We assist organisations with a well-defined set of processes, guidelines and checklists to help them achieve its desired level. An organisation can benefit from better return on investment ( ROI) in testing investments with effectively deployed automation tools and delivery resources.

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