Seamless interactions and commerce

Interact and transact with customers and prospects across marketing, sales and service and achieve measurable results
Seamless interactions and commerce

The connected enterprise is a relationship business, engaging with prospects and customers at multiple touchpoints and aims to ensure an integrated experience across them. A seamless, personalised experience helps to build trust and encourages your customers to return.

No matter where your customers meet you, whether through marketing or sales and service domains and channels, communicating relevant, tailored content can help them move along the journey. The right product information management systems, content management systems and security systems can work together to produce business boosting results.

With the boundaries between marketing, sales and service blurring, establishing systems that support common goals for each and promote ease of use and security can go a long way to serve your customers.

Is your business set up to provide seamless, personal interactions? Consider these key questions:

  1. Is your experience design informed by user insights and needs, and does it meet customer expectations at every stage?
  2. Do you have effective communication channels in place to serve customers both internally and externally?
  3. Are your product information management and content management systems customisable to drive value?
  4. Can your platform integrate internal systems with partners and third-party providers?
  5. Do you apply industry best practices for security, privacy and fraud detection in safeguarding end-consumer and trade-consumer data?
  6. Do you continuously test for system vulnerabilities as well as transaction vulnerabilities?

To enable your seamless experience offering, we can:

  1. Understand and track the true economics of customer experience — right down to the individual journey and the level of interaction
  2. Design and engineer customer journeys that can offer the optimal blend of positive experience and operational performance
  3. Provide the tools to enable you to continuously improve and adapt journeys to deliver the very best business outcomes.
  4. Leverage data to anticipate what customers want and need before they even interact with you ­—automating elements of this process using AI.
  5. Enhance the way your customer-facing employees already work, using AI and cognitive technology to offer them content or suggesting steps to take for a seamless experience.

KPMG Connected Enterprise

KPMG Connected Enterprise is a customer-centric, tailored-by-sector approach to digital transformation.

It allows you to rebuild your business, end to end, around your customers to create a seamless, agile, digitally enabled business, capable of transforming experiences and reaching new levels of performance and value.

Take a look at the other capabilities below. 

Connected Capabilities

Eight capabilities, for twice the impact


The most successful organisations invest in eight capabilities which span all areas of the customer experience. This ensures a connected organisation that goes beyond cross-channel interactions.

Those that invest in all eight capabilities are twice as likely to meet customer expectations, achieve objectives and deliver return on investment.

Insight-driven strategies and actions

Better insights help you better understand customer needs, develop customised solutions and create seamless experiences.

Innovative products and services

The need for fresh thinking and ideas doesn't stop, and it's the only way to meet your customers' growing expectations and help them achieve success.

Experience centricity by design

Today's customers want personalised, connected experiences. And that isn't going to change anytime soon.


Seamless interactions and commerce

KPMG Connected Enterprise helps organisations across sales, marketing and service to drive business smoothly.


Responsive operations and supply chain

The beating heart of your organisation, deliver on the customer promise via responsive operations and supply chain.


Aligned and empowered workforce

Every business needs to build engaging employee experiences, working with them to deliver on your customer promise today and in the future.

Digitally-enabled technology architecture

Architect and engineer smart digital services, technology and platforms in a cost-effective, scalable manner.


Integrated partner and alliance ecosystem

No organisation does it all themselves. Building successful alliances can help your organisation deliver a competitive edge and extend your business growth into new markets.

Capability Maturity Assessment

See how your enterprise compares to others in your industry. Take this 15-minute assessment to rank your performance against benchmarks across eight fundamental capabilities. 

Capability Maturity Assessment

Learn More

KPMG Connected Enterprise

KPMG’s customer centric, agile approach to digital transformation, tailored by sector
KPMG connected Enterprise

Key Contact

Abhijeet (Avi) Ranade

Partner – Transformation

KPMG in India

Abhijit Atale

Partner – Tech Transformation

KPMG in India

Sushant Rabra

Partner – Transformation

KPMG in India

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