Ready to start the next chapter? Don’t sell yourself short.
Anticipate the next step. Make plans for what happens next. Give yourself the benefit of time and perspective to determine which outcome is right for you.
Whether you plan to sell your business, launch an initial public offering (IPO) or shift leadership to the next generation, KPMG’s Private Enterprise advisers can help you explore and execute your options to foster a smooth transition.
What we do
KPMG’s network of Private Enterprise advisers helps founders, executives and private market leaders transition their business with a range of approaches that can address:
Our insights
Get current private market trends, insights and data from KPMG’s experienced network of Private Enterprise advisers.
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Robyn Langsford
Global Lead, KPMG Private Enterprise Family Business, KPMG International and Partner in Charge, Family Business & Private Clients, KPMG
KPMG Australia