
KPMG Cambridge Entrepreneurial Mindset Programme

Supporting KPMG professionals to grow and transform private enterprise relationships

people sitting on round table for presentation

The KPMG Cambridge Entrepreneurial Mindset Programme was designed and developed by the executive education team at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge Judge Business school in collaboration with KPMG Private Enterprise.

The internal learning programme is a combination of thought leadership of academics of the Cambridge Judge Business School and the industry expertise of KPMG Private Enterprise professionals to explore the vast landscape of private enterprise and the  different life cycle stages of entrepreneurs to explore the key opportunities, and challenges of the private enterprise ecosystem.

The objective of the programme is to support KPMG Private Enterprise advisors to deliver an outstanding client experience and position KPMG Private Enterprise professionals as industry leaders and KPMG firms as the clear choice for private businesses and entrepreneurs around the world.

How does the KPMG Cambridge Entrepreneurial Mindset Programme transform client engagements?

The KPMG Cambridge Entrepreneurial Mindset Programme aims to reshape the way KPMG advisors perceive and interact with entrepreneurs and private companies.

Our ambition is to support long-term collaborations between KPMG Private Enterprise and clients and future clients worldwide and to position KPMG advisors as trusted allies to their clients, guiding them through every phase of their business lifecycle and support the development of business-driven advice and solutions.

By gaining insights into the life cycles of private businesses, understanding what drives entrepreneurs and the way they make decisions, this programme will help us engage with our clients and future clients in a superior way.

Mike Linter Global Head of Private Enterprise Tax, Tax & Legal KPMG International, and Partner, KPMG in the UK

Mike Linter

The learning journey

The learning journey

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