
Pillar Two top-up taxes in financial reports

(This article was published on 20 November 2023 and updated on 10 December 2024)

To compensate for the potential loss of information resulting from the mandatory deferred tax accounting relief, companies are required to provide specific disclosures about Pillar Two taxes in their financial statements. 


For an illustration of the disclosures in the annual financial statements, see Note 14 in our Illustrative disclosures – Guide to annual financial statements. For more detail about the disclosures in the interim financial statements, see Interim reporting.

Your questions answered

1 The requirements in the accounting standard apply to tax laws that are enacted or substantively enacted. For the ease of reference in this digital guide, ‘enacted’ is intended to refer to both ‘enacted’ and ‘substantively enacted’.

2 GloBE – global anti-base erosion.