Yes – if that additional information is relevant to users of the company’s financial statements. Possible expected changes include the following.
Status of Pillar Two implementation
Different countries may be at different stages in implementing the new tax laws – e.g. the laws become effective for some countries in 2024, and in 2025 or later for others. For example, if the new tax laws become effective in the ultimate parent’s jurisdiction in 2025 and in the intermediate parent’s jurisdiction in 2024, then the intermediate parent company may be liable for the top-up tax in 2024 but not in 2025 or going forward.
Different Pillar Two tax mechanisms – Income Inclusion Rule (IIR), Undertaxed Payment Rule (UTPR) and Qualifying Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT) – may also become effective at different dates. As a result, different companies in the group may be liable for the top-up tax during the transition period.
For example, UTPR may be enacted at 31 December 2024 in one of the jurisdictions in which the group operates with an effective date of 2026. However, one of the low-tax jurisdictions in which the group operates plans to introduce its own local top-up tax – QDMTT – in 2025 with an effective date of 2026 as well. In this example, the group company that is potentially liable for the UTPR based on the tax laws at 31 December 2024 will not need to pay it in 2026. This additional information may be relevant to users of the group’s financial statements.
Changes in tax strategies
Some companies may be considering changing their tax strategies – e.g. to forgo tax deductions that reduce their effective tax rate below 15 percent. As a result, they will not trigger the top-up tax in the future.
As discussed in Question 4, in its financial statements for a specific reporting period a company needs to disclose its potential exposure to top-up tax using data for that reporting period. However, it may want to disclose additional information about potential changes to its tax strategy if it considers this relevant to users of its financial statements.