Argentina – Digital Nomad Visa Announced

GMS Flash Alert 2022-101 | May 12, 2022

After announcing1 a new type of residency visa for “digital nomads,” the Argentine National Immigration Office (Dirección Nacional de Migraciones) published Disposition Number 758/2022 in the Boletín Oficial on 11 May.2 Effective 21 May 2022, foreign nationals working remotely can apply for a six-month transitory residency visa that can be extended only once for the same amount of time.

Argentina is the second country in South America to create a transitory visa for digital nomads. Brazil announced its version earlier this year. (For prior coverage, see GMS Flash Alert 2022-18opens in a new tab, 27 January 2022.) 

Why this matters

The digital nomad visa will provide more flexibility for foreign nationals who are working remotely – or wish to work remotely – in Argentina.

The regulation of third-country digital nomad immigration issues is of crucial importance to accommodate both employer and employee needs given the recent change of work patterns that are anticipated to continue in future.

More Details

The digital nomad visa It is a specific residency status for individuals who, in addition to providing services for natural or legal persons domiciled abroad, are foreign nationals of countries that do not require a tourist visa to enter Argentina. Applicants will have to submit to the National Immigration office a resume, a document proving their work relationship, and a reference to at least one employer.


Individuals eligible for the new type of visa may wish to consult with their global-mobility advisers and immigration legal counsel for additional information and advice on next steps.

The KPMG International member firm in Argentina is tracking these matters closely. We will endeavor to keep readers of GMS Flash Alert posted on any important developments as and when they occur.


Rodolfo Canese Mendez

Partner, International Corporate Tax & GMS

KPMG Argentina

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1 See "Migraciones anuncia un nuevo tipo de residencia para trabajadores remotos llamada Nómades Digitales: La Dirección Nacional de Migraciones presentó un nuevo tipo de residencia para teletrabajadores extranjeros" (7 May 2022) at: in a new tab . And "De Pedro y Lammens lanzaron un plan de beneficios para nómades digitales y una nueva visa: El ministro del Interior y su par de Turismo y Deportes anunciaron un nuevo tipo de residencia para trabajadores remotos llamada Nómades Digitales" (10 May 2022) at: in a new tab .

2 See Disposition Number 758/2022 published (in Spanish) 11 May 2022 in the Boletín Oficial at: in a new tab .


*Please note the KPMG International member firm in the United States does not provide immigration or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.

The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Argentina.

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