KPMG was the first among the Big 4 firms to officially re-enter Myanmar after the easing of international sanctions, and has now assisted a number of international clients to successfully set up businesses in the once-closed economy. In his role as the lead Advisory Partner at KPMG in the Myanmar, Fujii-san is leading the Myanmar practice in their provision of services to international companies seeking to develop business partnerships through merger and acquisition, joint-ventures or strategic alliances. Since 2012 upon establishment of KPMG Advisory (Myanmar) Ltd, Fujii has assumed the responsibility of developing the practice in Myanmar by leveraging on his expertise and understanding of foreign investment laws and regulations, company’s act, tax laws, and accounting practice in ASEAN countries. Under Fujii’s leadership, KPMG Advisory (Myanmar) Ltd provides the various professional services, tax and accounting advisory as well as management advisory services, to the International companies and investors entering into Myanmar market, one of the region’s hottest investment destination.