Kevin Smith

Head Of KPMG Private Enterprise in EMA

KPMG in the UK

Kevin is responsible for facilitating audit, tax and advisory support to a wide range of businesses and organisations ranging from start-up businesses to large listed businesses and the public sector.

He and his partners work closely with a number of London agencies to help ensure that KPMG plays a role in key communities and that KPMG contributes to the social and economic debate in the capital.

In addition to his Senior Partner role, Kevin is the KPMG Lead Partner for a number of businesses and organisations in the public and private sector, coordinating a range of services to provide support across a wide range of areas. He specialises in helping businesses with international operations and those going through major business change.

He has led high performing teams in the UK and overseas, and has first class contacts across the KPMG global network. Kevin has a tax background with specific emphasis on indirect tax where he has more than 20 years’ experience. In that role, he has significant experience in dealing with tax settlements and legal disputes in the UK and overseas. Kevin recently led a legal team that won a landmark High Court decision on the principle of “legitimate expectation” which was the first of its kind in the UK.  He is the Lead Partner for KPMG’s relationship with UK trade and investment.