Murray Raisbeck

Global Co-leader, KPMG Fintech practice

KPMG in the UK

Murray is a Partner within KPMG's FS practice. He has extensive FS audit and advisory experience. An auditor by background, Murray joined KPMG in 1999 and became a partner in 2011. Murray works with global financial services clients in the insurance, asset management and wealth management industries. As a result of all of the change underway in the sector Murray has been involved in working with clients that are dealing with evolving financial regulation (Solvency II and RDR being examples), changing technology (move to cloud based solutions and telematics being examples), societal changes (demands of an ageing population being an example), and more recently the impact of political risk on firms within the sector (recent pension reforms being an example). One current area of focus for Murray is the UK Motor insurance market. Murray is the audit partner for three of the UK’s market leading motor insurers and leading 'usage based insurance' (UBI) businesses. He is also frequently involved in discussions with industry bodies and a variety of firms developing their UBI strategy. He frequently comments on UBI developments in the press. Murray’s advisory experience includes finance change and regulatory programmes, Sarbanes Oxley implementation projects, accounting advice on group reconstructions, Part VII transfers, and a variety of transactions. His transaction experience includes ‘buy-side’ deal evaluation, due diligence, transaction regulatory and accounting support, IPO readiness services and synergies work.