Mario Petriccione


KPMG in the UK

Mario has been based in London since leaving Italy in 1979, after graduating as an overseas student from Italy at Cambridge University. He specialises in advising large corporates on cross-border acquisitions and reorganizations, permanent establishment matters, and IP ownership. A significant portion of Mario’s work relates to outbound investment from China and inbound investment into China. Mario is a co-author of 'Fundamentals of International Tax Planning' and “The Attribution of Profits to Permanent Establishments,” both published by IBFD. He is the author of numerous articles on international tax matters, which have appeared in a wide range of tax publications. He is a visiting lecturer in tax law Leiden University, the Netherlands, at the Brazilian Tax Law Institute in Sao Paulo, and at Said Business School (Oxford University).

  1. Education and Qualifications
    BA (Economics), Cambridge University
  2. Accreditations