Daniela has 20 years of professional experience, of which 16 years in KPMG Tax Department. She specializes in coordinating the immigration, tax and social security compliance requirements for multinational companies and assisting private clients in dealing with their personal tax affairs and tax residence issues. She also deliveres training courses on tax and social security issues, EU Regulations concerning mobile employees, as well as presentation for conferences on private and facultative pension plans, private clients and private bankers.Daniela’s sectors of expertise include Global Mobility Services (GMS), where she offers specific advice in the areas of tax and social security issues including: planning opportunities related to tax efficient remuneration structures, analyzing payroll costs and flexible benefits packages, assignment cost projections, remuneration policy design, managing international assignment programs. As well as in the Private clients sector, where she provides analysis on acquiring and breaking tax residence, tax cost planning for private clients in the context of cross-border operations, assistance with the personal tax compliance and during personal tax audits, tax implications of transferring family assets and businesses.