Shuji Miyasaka

Shuji Miyasaka

Partner, Head of Energy & Infrastructure, KPMG Consulting K.K.

KPMG in Japan

Shuji is the Head of the Energy & Infrastructure Sector, KPMG Consulting K.K in Japan. As a partner for KPMG in Japan, Shuji brings 22 years of industry experiences as a consultant at KPMG, Accenture, IBM Business Consulting Service and IBM Japan. He has rich experiences in working with CXO’s and top management teams and clients, and has deep knowledge in new business strategy, strategic outsourcing, CRM, BPR, IT strategy and digital transformation including RPA/AI & big data analytics. In 2014, he served as an observer for METI during their “Study of low carbon electic supply systems” in Japan. Shuji has a strong track record as a presenter, committee member of The Institute of Electric Engineers of Japan and is a co-author of the book “Impact of Smart Innovation” and has developed a reputation for pushing innovation in the energy sector.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    B.S., Nuclear Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan