Donald J. Matthew

National Sector Leader, Industrial Manufacturing

KPMG in Canada

Don is the National Sector Leader for KPMG in Canada’s Industrial Manufacturing group. He also serves as the regional Greater Vancouver Area Sector Leader for Industrial Markets. He has always been involved in the industrial markets practice and with related manufacturing industry associations. Don has been with KPMG since 1983 and has held a number of leadership positions, including the position of office managing partner in Edmonton. He recently returned to the BC Lower Mainland to lead the growth of our Fraser Valley practice by becoming Partner-in-charge of KPMG in Canada’s new Langley office and integrating it into our Fraser Valley practice with Abbotsford and Chilliwack.

  • Education and Qualifications
    B.Comm., University of British Columbia, ICD.D - Institute of Corporate Directors
  • Accreditations
    CPA, CA, US GAAP, Private Business GAAP, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)