Jesus has over ten years of experience in auditing financial statements prepared under Mexican Financial Reporting Standards (Mexican FRS), IFRS and US GAAP. For a two-year period (2005-2007) he was working in the Department of Professional Practice in KPMG New York office. During that time, he provided assistance to the Latin America KPMG Offices regarding technical consultation on accounting (IFRS and US GAAP) and auditing standards (PCAOB, US GAAS, SOX and ISA), among other risk management activities. During the last eleven years he has been dedicated to providing accounting advice and assisting domestic and international companies in the conversion process of financial statements from Mexican FRS to IFRS and/or US GAAP, and vice versa. Likewise, he has assisted audit engagement teams in IPO's of audit clients in the capital markets, including corporate governance activities in Mexico and abroad.