Mr. Jimmy Helm

Global Head of Anti-Bribery & Corruption Services

KPMG in Czech Republic

Jimmy leads the Forensic practice for KPMG in Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) and chairs KPMG’s global proactive Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABC) Services. He also chairs KPMG’s Fraud Risk Management services in Europe, Middle East & Africa. Jimmy has over 20 years of Forensic experience, and has operated in the CEE since 2000. Prior to joining KPMG CEE in 2005, he led the Forensic practice of another Big 4 Advisory firm from April 2000 to 2005. Formerly a Senior Advocate at the Attorney-General in South Africa where he specialized in the prosecution of serious fraud cases. Jimmy has led teams of investigators in investigations in CEE related to alleged violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and has investigated numerous allegations of bribery & corruption at state – owned enterprises, government departments and for corporate clients based in Central & Eastern Europe. He has designed and led ABC due diligence procedures for US and UK clients looking to invest in entities based in CEE, led third-party compliance reviews for clients subject to the FCPA and led ABC compliance reviews for clients subject to local legislation and regulation in CEE. Jimmy has significant experience in the investigation of fraud and irregularity across multiple industries and across multiple jurisdictions. Many of his matters have resulted in successful criminal prosecutions, civil actions and disciplinary proceedings. Misappropriated assets have been traced, including through cross-border legal actions. He also specializes in fraud risk management services, focusing on the prevention and detection of fraud, performing fraud risk assessments over the business of clients and the implementation of fraud response actions. Jimmy’s experience bridges a number of industry sectors, including healthcare (pharmaceutical and devices), financial services (banking and insurance), manufacturing, consumer markets, government, telecommunications, mining and energy.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws (post-graduate), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, Advocate of the High Court, RSA