Karin Eggers

Karin Eggers

Managing Director, Sustainability, Climate Change & Human Rights

KPMG in Chile

Karin is a Managing Director for Sustainabiity, Climate Change & Human Rights (ESG) Services at KPMG Chile with more than 15 years of experience in management positions and in consulting on Business and Human Rights matters. As Development Manager of Fundación Acción Empresas (2017-2018), Chilean chapter of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), she leads the reformulation of the thematic lines and value proposition of the organization, designing and implementing programs, courses, methodologies, studies and learning tools in lines such as: Diversity and Inclusion Management, Business Ethics, Compliance and Corporate Governance , Transparency and Reporting, Climate Change and Circular Economy, Enterprise and Territory, among some of the main key areas of sustainable development. As Sustainability Manager from Komatsu Latin America, she created and led the Diversity and Inclusion strategy and management model, defining policies and implementing programs focused on the inclusion of the following special protection groups: gender, inclusion of people who have infringed the law, migrants and multiculturalism, people with disabilities indigenous population, among others. Psychologist and Degree in “Community Engagement and Socially Responsible Mining in Latin America”, Queensland University of Technology, in Brisbane, Australia (2017). She is currently a member of the OECD “Mirror Committee” and the “360 ° Committee” of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, an advisory body to the National Business and Human Rights Action Plan. And since 2018 is part of the Academic Staff of the Responsible Mining Postgraduate Diploma from Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile.