Since joining KPMG in Germany in 1993, Klaus was appointed Partner in 2001 and became a Member of the German Managing Board in 2006. From 2011 to 2023, he served as CEO for KPMG in Germany. He is a member of the KPMG International Global Board and the Global Executive Team. He has extensive experience in the strategic support of DAX-30 companies and financial services clients. Klaus is a graduate of the Universität des Saarlands, with degrees as German Certified Public Tax Advisor and German Certified Public Accountant. He is a member of the Berlin Center of Corporate Governance (BCCG) e.V. at Mannheim Business School, and of the International Advisory Council, ESMT European School of Management and Technology, Berlin. Furthermore, he is the president of the Frankfurt Zoological Society e.V. as well as member of the Board of Trustrees at Bruno H. Schubert-Stiftung, Frankfurt.