Mr. David Burridge

Associate Partner

KPMG in the UK

David has a wide range of audit, advisory and transaction experience obtained from over 28 years of advising businesses principally in the Mid Market Sector having worked for KPMG in London, Sydney, St Albans, Cambridge and Watford/Milton Keynes. David has significant experience (enhanced from a secondment into industry as Finance Director of a £100m listed group), of leading audit engagements and advising companies on “managing growth” issues and helping management teams grow their business, both organically and through acquisition, as well as working closely with management teams to prepare them for a sale process/maximise shareholder value.

  1. Education and Qualifications
    BA (Hons) Accounting & Economic – Liverpool University, MBA (Executive) – London Business School
  2. Accreditations
    Fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales