Our global marketplace is changing. Gaining a clear understanding of market dynamics in periods of economic change and how it affects the value of your business or assets is crucial. This is where experienced and dedicated valuation and industry specialists can help.

Whether you are considering an acquisition or disposal, involved in a commercial dispute or litigation, determining value for financial reporting, strategic review and decision support, or a group restructure, our valuation specialists are here to help.

We provide robust advice on valuation matters across multiple sectors, deal stages, and client types. Using the latest data analytics, simulations and visualisation tools, we can address the most complex modelling and valuation issues.

Talk to our experts

We put value at the heart of everything we do. And we believe you should too. Whether it's seeking a valuation for corporate governance or regulatory reasons, or to simply better inform your decision-making processes, we understand the need to act quickly and efficiently.

Our valuations team works closely with the rest of KPMG’s deal advisory practice to provide experienced advice for a wide range of clients. From global multi-nationals, banks, funds and governments to start-ups and SMEs. With 2,000 dedicated staff across 70 countries, we at KPMG, have the global expertise and local knowledge to provide an exemplary valuation advisory service.

We take pride in our extensive industry experience. We focus on truly understanding your business using benchmarking analysis, as well as the sector and industry context in which you operate. Our comprehensive valuation methodologies allow us to offer you quality, meaningful opinions.

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