Strategic valuation advice to uncover growth opportunities
Fundamental company value is enhanced by optimising your transaction, investment, growth and operational strategies. Obtaining strategic valuation advice helps you understand where value creation opportunities lie within your organisation.
We advise senior management and boards of directors of public and private companies on raising capital, prioritising market opportunities or considering mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and divestitures.
How we can help
Our strategic valuation advice identifies, values, and guides decisions on business growth strategies, strategic alternatives, capital allocation, and operational improvements that impact the bottom line and drive shareholder value.
Along with this, custodians of a business need to continuously stay on top of market trends and review where value is being enhanced or destroyed. Thus, we take stock of core vs. non-core business activities and help identify hidden areas of value. Obtaining independent valuation advice also helps safeguard decision makers and protects stakeholder interests.
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Business valuation requires a sound understanding of how value has been created prior to the valuation date, and how it will continue to be created in the future. Central to this is the ability to understand how a company develops new ideas or concepts and deploys its capital, aiming to drive returns in excess of its cost of capital.
The process of value creation varies by industry and the company’s position in its life cycle. Understanding this process is crucial to providing robust valuation advice.
Representative situations where we can provide independent board advice include:
- Sell-side/buy-side mergers & acquisitions
- Spin-offs, carve-outs, divestitures
- Going-private transactions
- Related-party transactions
- Fund raising, minority investments, and other financing transactions
- Requirements pursuant to financing or collateral
- Any transaction requiring a shareholder vote