Deal advisory technology

Deal advisory technology

KPMG’s integrated team of specialists uses game-changing technology to give you confidence across the transaction life cycle.

Game-changing technology to give you confidence across the transaction life cycle

At KPMG, we think like an investor, offering better insights that result in better deal outcomes. Drawing on deep sector experience, keen business intelligence and global resources, our approach combines data, analytics and technology to maximize deal value and move at deal speed.

Working as a trusted advisor, we help you:

  • uncover and analyze data from a range of valuable sources
  • identify areas of the business that require further analysis for better customer intelligence
  • view targets in real-world context in a matter of hours enhance transparency and keep the deal moving.

Our proprietary methodology and tools bring issues that should be examined more closely right to the surface, even within compressed deal timeframes, to give you confidence to make the best life cycle management decisions.

Advanced Analytics

Gleaning valuable insights from unstructured data online and from internal sources to drive informed, open and honest discussions around valuation, pricing negotiations, planning and more.

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Strategic Profitability Insights (SPI)

Providing deep analytics on how a business generates sales and profits to enable you as a buyer or seller to isolate a piece of business quickly and precisely and get a clear picture from numerous financial reporting angles.

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Benchmarking Plus

Going beyond publicly sourced benchmark data to tap into our robust proprietary database of engagements across a range of industries.

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