Sustainability Reporting and Impact Assessment
Sustainability Reporting and Impact Assessment
Good-quality corporate reporting demonstrates capabilities, opportunities, and ability to adapt.
Good-quality corporate reporting demonstrates capabilities, opportunities, and ability to
In today’s business world it is necessary for companies to have a high level of transparency in order to assess opportunities on how to create shareholder and stakeholder value. The key instrument for information disclosure and presenting the management’s vision of the company’s outlook and potential is an annual report, as well as non-financial/sustainability reports prepared in accordance with international standards.
Sustainability reports are becoming more and more relevant: occupational health and safety, environmental and industrial safety, socio-economic impact on other companies and regions of operation, HR and supply chain management, and charity and stakeholder engagement are covered in detail in these reports. The predominant guide for such reports is GRI Sustainability reporting standard, as well as reporting according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, NASDAQ ESG reporting guidelines, etc.
Another promising initiative is the integrated annual report, which comprises information on business strategy, the business model, aspects of sustainable development, and the results of a company's activities. Such reports may be prepared in compliance with the International Integrated Reporting Framework elaborated by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).
We can help with the following steps of the corporate reporting preparation process:
- elaborating and approving a report concept and structure;
- assistance in defining material aspects to report on;
- data collection and analysis;
- elaborating and approving the report;
- editing the report;
- translating the report into English and other languages.
Good-quality corporate reporting helps a company demonstrate to shareholders and potential investors its capabilities, opportunities, and management’s ability to respond successfully to changes in the business environment as well as other challenges.
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