IT Risk Management
IT Risk Management
KPMG’s IT Risk Management team provides assurance on clients' IT environments, and supports them on a number of IT related services.
KPMG’s IRM team provides assurance on clients' IT environments
The increased use of information technology in business contexts has confronted companies with new opportunities and threats. It becomes necessary to manage the balance between implementing advanced IT solutions and mitigating the related risks. KPMG understands the need to keep pace with technology and take advantage of the tremendous opportunities offered by technological innovations, but we are also aware of the risks involved and the responsibility at the Board level to control those risks.
If you are undergoing rapid growth, have large and complex information systems, or are implementing new technologies or outsourcing structures, KPMG can help you identify and manage the associated IT risks so you can meet your financial goals. We are happy to provide you with our insights and experience gained through continuous involvements in IT governance projects and IT certification and attestation services.
We are glad to assist you in major changes, as we have seen that it is often of utmost importance to find and implement solutions for particular issues encountered in daily operations. In this regard, we have developed numerous tailor-made solutions in the Luxembourg context, especially concerning cybersecurity and data protection.
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