Listing Assistance
Listing Assistance
Raising funds to finance development plans implies examining a high degree of complex issues while accessing the capital markets has become crucial.
Raising funds to finance development plans implies examining a high degree of...
Given the regulatory environment, raising funds to finance development plans implies examining a high degree of complex issues while accessing the capital markets has become absolutely crucial for companies. Entering the international Capital Markets is challenging and requires extensive knowledge and experience so as to select the right location and structure. Consequently, KPMG Luxembourg has responded to this increased need by investing in the development of a dedicated Capital Markets team, which provides leading edge advice on capital market transactions. We use our extensive knowledge of international financing markets to provide companies with clear analyses of their funding options and help them along the listing process.
Your Challenges
- Does the listing fit with your overall strategy? Will the listing generate some added value to your company?
- Which trading venue is the right choice for you?
- Which financial vehicle should you opt for? (bonds/structured securities/shares)
- How to structure your transaction? (tax efficiency/regulatory compliance)
- How to prepare your company to deal with the complexity in the preparation of public offerings and the admission to trading?
Our Services
- Our capital markets team aim to act as an indepedent, trust project manager throughout the whole listing process from the structuring of the transaction to the final admission, including the continuous listing of files and the communication with the competent authorities.
- Our tax specialists analyse the planned issuance with regards to tax effects and will minimize the tax risks.
- Our accounting/audit services will help you with post-issuance financial reporting requirements.
Our listing services capabilities are further detailed and explained in the following brochures:
- Bond listings assistance in Luxembourg
- Securitization in Luxembourg
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- Social media @ KPMG kpmg.socialMedia