KPMG in India has launched a thought leadership report titled “Redefining TMT with AI” at the India Mobile Congress 2024. This comprehensive study delves into the rapid transformation happening across the Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (TMT) sectors, driven by the adoption of artificial intelligence.
As the global landscape shifts towards a digitally powered future, IMC 2024 epitomizes the theme "The Future is Now." The report highlights how AI is playing a pivotal role in reshaping TMT operations by improving efficiency, personalizing experiences, and enhancing decision-making. From automating networks in telecom to delivering personalized media content, AI is streamlining processes and unlocking new opportunities for growth. The report based on a survey of industry leaders like CDOs, CTOs, and CIOs, reveals that 55% of TMT organizations have fully integrated AI, with 37% in the scaling phase. AI-driven innovations have already delivered significant results, including a 5-10% reduction in operational costs and over 10% returns on AI investments for 67% of respondents.
This thought leadership report also dives into the key challenges, such as a shortage of skilled talent and the high cost of AI implementation and the strong momentum toward overcoming these barriers. As AI continues to evolve, the insights shared in this report will shape the future of digital communications in India and beyond.