Programme at schools

Focused support at schools

We seek to strengthen processes and infrastructure at Not-for-profit schools. With a focus on improving English language and IT skills.

We reinforce our commitment to lifelong learning by supporting programmes that help in building capacity at schools and enhancing skills of students:

KPMG Family for Literacy programme

The objective of the programme is to develop reading skills at schools. This helps students express themselves more confidently and improves their comprehension and spoken English. We donate books, and our staff and their families read to young students regularly to improve their proficiency in reading.

kpmg family

English language centres

English language centres
  1. These centres provide a learning experience that is supported by innovative ways of teaching through technology.
  2. A software provides modules with different scenarios to help improve spoken English and comprehension of students. Each module is a combination of instructor-led sessions and computer-based training.
  3. The programme allows students to practise these skills and helps build vocabulary.

IT support

Digital literacy is the cornerstone of quality education today. IT labs and digital classrooms, however, are expensive to set-up for NGOs. To ensure that the children supported by KPMG in India are not deprived of IT exposure and are able to benefit from digital technologies, we support our partner NGOs in establishing IT enabled infrastructure. Teachers are encouraged to integrate technology as part of their teaching methodology as it enhances the learning experience for students, easing the understanding of complex topics.

Infrastructure support

Some of our support includes:

  1. IT equipment – hardware and software
  2. Digital classrooms
  3. Projectors and screens
  4. Servers
  1. Laptops
  2. Printers
  3. SMART boards
  4. Internet connection

Infrastructure support

Infrastructure support

Providing good infrastructure facilities such as well-lit and airy classrooms, comfortable furniture, well-equipped laboratories, updated IT equipment, school transportation, sports and extra-curricular facilities etc. are key elements for schools to ensure they are creating a conducive learning environment for students. Over the years, we have worked towards strengthening the infrastructure of the NGO run schools we work with.

Some of our support includes:

  1. CCTV cameras
  2. Furniture for the classrooms
  3. Refurbishment of the sports ground
  4. Equipment for the laboratories
  5. Sports equipment
  1. Vehicles for transporting students
  2. Solar panels
  3. Air-conditioner for the computer lab and English language lab
  4. Water cooler
  5. Bio-digester for managing wastewater


  1. Recognising the crucial role that nutrition plays in the development of young children
  2. we support nutritious meals at the schools we support

Aspire programme

Promoting girls' education is a key priority for development. Women who receive a better education are generally healthier, more active in the formal job market, earn higher salaries, have fewer children, marry later, and can provide improved healthcare and education for their children if they choose to become mothers. Together, these advantages can significantly help lift families, communities, and entire nations out of poverty.

Our Aspire programme helps build skills and abilities of disadvantaged girl students through quality education, mentoring and other significant contributions, with the objective of enhancing their employability. The students are inducted into the programme at grade nine and we continue to support them till they finish their graduation.



Our impact:

  1. Since its inception in 2014, over 650 students have been enrolled in the programme
  2. Over 50 girls have completed their graduation and three have completed their masters’ degrees
  3. Fourteen Aspire alumnae are currently employed
  4. Over 95 women leaders from the firm serve as mentors
  5. Over 3,21,000 hours invested since 2014 in providing additional training to the students
Aspire women

Empowerment through education

Empowerment through education
  1. Through the empowerment through education programme we extend our lifelong learning focus to all our support staff such as housekeeping and security across our offices.
  2. The programme supports the continued education of their children from school through college.
  3. Additionally, we organise training on life-skills for our support staff and educational excursions for the children.

Investing in teachers

  1. Most of the students at our partner NGO schools are first generation learners and hence are unable to receive academic support at home.
  2. To ensure that our partner schools have qualified teachers we support salaries of teachers as this accounts for a major operational expense for NGO run schools.
  3. We also support the on-going training of teachers to ensure that they are equipped to address the ever-changing needs of a classroom.
Investing in teachers

Encouraging STEM education

Encouraging STEM education
  1. The Janyaa Lab In a Box (JLIB) kit provides children with access to 340 hands-on experiments that teach curriculum-based science and math principles.
  2. Through the programme teachers receive training on pedagogy and the JLIB kit application.
  3. Teachers then become key facilitators of this knowledge.
  4. Additionally, weekly peer learning sessions led by student leaders enhance engagement and foster student ownership of the programme.
  5. We have recently supported the Janyaa Lab In a Box kits for twenty-five schools for girls in Andhra Pradesh.

Cybersecurity awareness

Cybersecurity Awareness
  1. Cybersecurity is a growing concern, not just for organisations but also for children around the world.
  2. Given the amount of time young people spend online, it is crucial to provide a safety net to help keep bullies at bay.
  3. Since 2019, the global network of KPMG Internationa’s member firms has been organising its Global Cyber Day every year.
  4. Cybersecurity professionals from the firm assist school students and teachers in becoming more cyber-aware through interactive classroom sessions on the safe use of personal data, social media, cyberbullying, online gaming, and smartphones.

Lifelong Learning

KPMG professionals endeavour to inspire confidence and empower change that makes a sustainable difference in their communities

Our People

Our people continue to be the driving force behind our programmes.

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