Aaron Yeh

ASPAC Taiwan Practice – Indonesia Region Leader, Partner

KPMG in Taiwan

Aaron Yeh, Partner of the Tax & Investment Department and Indonesia Region Leader of ASPAC Taiwan Practice in KPMG Taiwan, has over 20 years of experience in serving several multinational corporations with several taxation issues, including making an initial public offering (IPO), investing in Taiwanese real estate, global investment restructuring, and identifying overseas employment income obligations as well as providing Taiwanese tax consulting services.

Aaron is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in Taiwan (R.O.C.). He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting at National Taiwan University and Master’s Degree in Accounting at Soochow University. Aaron was also a lecturer at both the National Taipei University of Business and Takming University of Science and Technology to deliver his professional knowledge and skills in his expertise to the students.

  • Master of Science Soochow University

  • B.B.A. of National Taiwan University
