Tim Tzang


KPMG in Taiwan

Tim has over 20 years of experience at KPMG Taiwan, where he has performed financial statement audits, corporate income tax return certifications, due diligence reviews certification, and offered consulting services for IPOs and accounting system management control.

Professional Service Experience

  • ­Audit and attestation service- Provide financial statement attestation, corporate income tax return certifications and due diligence reviews
  • Consulting services- Provide consulting services related to IPO, accounting systems, management control, internal auditing, and budgeting
  • Audit
  • Ethical business and governance
  • Internal audit
  • Managed services
  • Mega trends
  • Operating Effectiveness
  • Productivity improvements
  • Regulation
  • Risk Management
  • Sustainability
  • Master Degree – Accounting of National Chang Chi University

  • R.O.C. Certified Public Accountant