Yang Chang


KPMG in Taiwan

Yang Chang currently serves as a Partner of the Tax & Investment Department at KPMG in Taiwan. Before joining KPMG, Yang was an Auditor of Audit Department in one of another Big Four accounting firms focusing on financial statement audits, listing advisory, and certification of income tax return. The solid experience makes Yang become a member of KPMG Taiwan Startups & Innovation team and the lecturer of KPMG Tax Group. In addition to specializing in personal and family wealth inheritance and corporate domestic and overseas asset allocation, he also provides tax consulting for Startups, Consumer and Retail industries.


Yang’s area of focus includes tax planning on corporate investment structure, business model and shareholding structure for multinational enterprises, tax evaluation on estate tax and gift tax for individuals, and cross-straits and international tax advisory services. He also assists clients in identifying and seeking tax-saving opportunities through domestic tax concessions, incentive, and tax treaties, managing tax audit or tax authority challenge, as well as providing tax administrative remedy services as a professional tax litigation agent.

  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, National Taiwan University

  • R.O.C. Certified Public Accountant

  • Tax Advisory

  • Tax Planning for Individual and Family

  • Business Consulting